Friday, March 23, 2012

Sharing some cuteness!

As I am writing this, my furrbaby Lola is purring under my feet. I was spinning my chair around trying to see her, I could hear her purring, but then found her under my desk... I swear she never stops purring! I had to share a cute video I took last night of her watching Youtube cat videos. She LOVES watching cats on the screen!

Here's my Day 2 photo of my Green Onion Experiment! You can see quite alot of growth from yesterday...but we didn't have as much sun today, just SNOW! ugh.... I want to go back home to Ontario...they are having 25C weather!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, you've convinced me to try the onion trick. I hate paying for them over and over again. :) We have one kitty that loves to watch TV, but the other two aren't interested. Such funny creatures aren't they? :)



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